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250 club

250 club

Suzanne Morton14 Oct - 15:00
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250 Club - thank you

For very nearly 20 years members of the 250 Club have generously raised almost £50,000 which has been spent on internal and external refurbishment and improvements of the Clubhouse for the benefit of all sporting sections and our guests. For example, last year the 250 Club kindly contributed some £2,500 towards the new patio furniture.

The money raised has benefitted all members of the club. An equal amount has been won by the members, who take part, at the monthly draw held in the Club House.

The 250 Club was founded in 2005 by Jenny Thomas, David Gilbert and Derek Barker and together they have administered it ever since, assisted along the way by Val Gilbert and Angela Losse. We must not forget Norman who for almost every draw has announced the numbers pulled out the little blue bag. I am sure you will all join me in thanking all of them for their hard work, faithful effort and good decision making. Thanks also to who have assisted and supported their efforts. We have all benefitted.

David, Jenny and Derek have said that they now wish to step down from their administrative roles in running the 250 Club, and we can’t begrudge them that. To that end Colette Bridgman and Alison Curzon have agreed to take over the admin, but Jenny will remain involved to assist and guide them giving them the benefit of her knowledge and experience.

The 250 Club is a great asset for Grove Park and Colette and Alison will be making sure the Club continues to thrive, through our existing and new members at Grove Park. Membership is made through the purchase of a £5 unit/number by a monthly standing order. Additional numbers can be purchased thus increasing chances of winning a prize. Presently there are 6 prizes a month: 1 @ £100, 1 @ £50 and 4 @ £25. Members must be 18 or over and the monthly results are displayed in the Club House and winners are notified individually. Reports on the successful requests and contribution to Club improvements are reported annually.

Once again thanks to David, Jenny and Derek and we wish Colette and Alison good luck for the next two decades!

Further reading